Thursday, 22 March 2012


Enough of the gossip, time for some inspirational talk.Readers i hope you all are ready to learn something nice.

As we end our day,I thought i could share some words on potentials and limitations. Familiar with the clause ‘Definition of the situation’? How you define a situation determines how you react to it.
Some people see more in a walk around the block than others see in a trip around the world.
Do you have a "self-imposed" lid that prevents you from achieving new heights?
A fisherman was observed throwing the big fish back and keeping the small ones. When asked why, he replied that he only had a small frying pan! Some of us act in real life as if we only had a small frying pan, thus limiting our true potential.
An airplane on the ground rusts out faster than when it is in the air. If a ship stays docked in the harbor it will gain more barnacles making it unseaworthy. Are you making full use of your abilities and talents?
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
Break the Chain
One day a man went to the Circus. He saw many animals; some very powerful. He noticed that all of the very powerful animals were kept caged up. All except the Elephant. The Elephant looked to be probably the strongest of all. But, the only thing used to restrain him was a little bracelet and chain around one leg fastened to the ground with a peg! The man wondered why the Elephant didn't try to break free from this restraint. He noticed a man who was taking care of the animals and asked him this question. "Why doesn’t this powerful Elephant try to break free from this little chain"? The animal keeper just laughed and said: "Many years ago when the Elephant was small and not as strong as he is now, he did try over and over to break free. But he just couldn't do it. Finally, he just gave up and has never tried again to break free. He doesn't realize that with time he has grown bigger and stronger. He just thinks, "What's the use! I can't do it. I tried before and couldn't do it. I won't even try." Sometimes we forget that circumstances change. Perhaps you set a goal for yourself some years back. Maybe it didn't work out. You might reason "I tried, it didn't work, I can't do it, I won't even try again." However, could it be that over the years your circumstances have changed? Re-analyze. Perhaps you now are able to break free of restraints that at one time prevented you from reaching your goals.

Peak Performance:
Mental Training Techniques of the World's Greatest Athletes:
Great athletes train their minds as well as their bodies. There are various mental conditioning techniques many use when preparing for an event. Perhaps the best known technique is visualization, creating a mental image not only of the desired result (the gold medal, a new world record, a hole-in-one), but also of every move that will be taken en route to the ultimate goal. We can apply these techniques in the business world. Determine your mission and identify what your major goals are. Break down the big goals into a series of smaller goals. Be detailed and precise when setting your goals. When each smaller one is achieved, you'll find you have increased confidence in tackling the next and the next. It's self-motivating because you're creating visible proof that you can indeed accomplish what you set out to do.
There is more in us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps, for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle for less.
My lovely blog readers i hope this words make alot of sense hence forth.We all have dreams and aspirations we want to achieve before we make our exit from this world.

Buckle up and achieve something you've dreamt of achieving so bad.

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