Saturday, 24 March 2012


We have alot of intelligent people in this country sha for them to be even considering one for world bank presidency sef.Obama obviously doesn't want the subsidy kind of wahala in the world bank that is why he doesn't want her norminated.

In a move today that signaled US discomfort with Nigeria's finance minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, President Barack Obama nominated Darthmouth College President Jim Yong Kim as a candidate for the presidency of the World Bank.

Over the last week several African and South American countries, including Brazil had indicated their support for Mrs. Iweala to become the next president of the bank, however, President Obama's decision to nominate a different candidate represents almost certain doom for the Nigerian minister's candidacy.

The US has traditionally exercised immense power over candidates for the presidency of the World Bank.
Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

 Earlier today the Nigerian government as well as those of Angola and South Africa issued a statement disclosing that they would meet today to discuss their support for Mrs. Iweala for the World Bank presidency in Johanesburg.
A human rights activist in Abuja said Obama's rejection of Iweala would be good riddance. He said he half-wished that Mrs. Iweala would depart the Nigerian government for the World Bank job.
"She has failed to be an advocate for ordinary Nigerians and did little or nothing to push the Jonathan regime to cut governmental waste and to combat corruption."

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