Wednesday 23 May 2012


hello readers, today i'm going to be writing alot more for the ladies.
most of my talk this morning will be about you already read from my profile i also indulge in make up too.

Make up should enhance beauty not  mask it. Choosing a shade of make-up that doesn't suit your skin tone can be a horrible thing.i'm sure alot of  you are guility of this offence especially when it comes to choosing the right shades of foundation, powder and blushes. So before you set out to buy any make-up item, you will need to be sure of your skin tone first and what suits the given skin tone.

Most times when some us go to buy make-up, we buy them for the wrong reasons.For instance,
some people buy because of how expensive the product is.
some others because a friend uses it
and for some others because it's time to look good.

In any case if you have to buy make-up especially foundations,blushes and powders always remember you are a woman of colour, so basically not all the expensive make up you hear of will suit yor skin tone.It is also preferable to buy products that suit the african skin tone too.


Foundation-To buy foundation that suits your skin tone there are two things you must do.
Make sure you go to a proper make shop to buy your products from because they'll be able to test different shades on your face.To get the actual shade for your skin  tone it must and should be tested on your jawline.

Powder- The same that goes for buying your foundation also applies to buying your powder.

Blush- When buying your blush try to buy one that suits your skin tone.If you are really dark i don't expect you to buy a really pink blush.

Eyeshadow- Choose colours that will complement your skin tone and enhance your eye colour.Not neccessarily the same shades will work for a light skinned person and a dark skinned person.

Lipstick-Be very careful when you choose lipsticks.cos usually not all lipstticks can go for the different skin tones.Also buy lipglosses to give a shine to the lipsticks.Clear glosses work the magic on any lipstick.

So ladies with this i'm sure we won't go about making the same mistake.So long till my next post.Which i hope will be soon.XOXO.Mena.

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