Thursday 24 May 2012


Hello people,
Decided to write about braces today.I wore them at some point of my adult life and some folks thought it was cute and at the time ugly betty was airing on TV and the show described it as hideous,weird and nerdish.
Most american middle and high school movies describe them as such too.
But nigerians are the only ones that think it's cute and this thought is for two reasons.The reasons omg their parents must have money sha and the other reason is they like when u change the colour of the plastic bands attached to it therefore its like a fashion statement. SMH.
Now i wish i had pictures from when i had braces on.At the time i wore them i was in the university and i felt weird but the good thing is that most people thought it was the new fashion trend.It was weird because my boyfriend at the time felt if he kissed me it'll come off so kissing was like a big deal.In all of this i give plenty of thanks to my dad who paid my braces bill.Now i can afford to smile without putting my hands over my mouth.That explains how horrible my dentition looked at the time.

Now let's start with defining Braces
Dental braces (also known as orthodontic braces, or simply braces) are devices used in orthodontics that align and straighten teeth and help to position them with regard to a person's bite, while also working to improve dental health. They are often used to correct underbites, as well as malocclusions, overbites, cross bites, open bites, deep bites, crooked teeth, and various other flaws of the teeth and jaw. Braces can be either cosmetic or structural. Dental braces or orthodontic braces are often used in conjunction with other orthodontic appliances to help widen the palate or jawsand to otherwise assist in shaping the teeth and jaws.

Braces consist of a metal , plastic and/or a porcelain band that is placed along the entire top and/or bottom row of teeth. They are worn for several months or years to gradually realign the teeth or push them together.


The application of braces moves the teeth as a result of force and pressure on the teeth. There are four basic elements that are needed in order to help move the teeth. In the case of traditional metal or wire braces, one uses brackets, bonding material, arch wire, and ligature elastic, also called an “O-ring”to help align the teeth. The teeth move when the arch wire puts pressure on the brackets and teeth. Sometimes springs or rubber bands are used to put more force in a specific direction. Braces have constant pressure, which over time, move teeth into their proper positions. Occasionally adults may need to wear headgear to keep certain teeth from moving. When braces put pressure on one's teeth, the periodontal membrane stretches on one side and is compressed on the other. This movement needs to be done slowly otherwise the patient risks losing his or her teeth. This is why braces are commonly worn for approximately two and a half years and adjustments are only made every three or four weeks.
This process loosens the tooth and then new bone grows in to support the tooth in its new position which is technically called bone remodeling. Bone remodeling is a biomechanical process responsible for making bones stronger in response to sustained load-bearing activity and weaker in the absence of carrying a load. Bones are made of cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Two different kinds of bone resorption are possible which are called direct resorption, starting from the lining cells of the alveolar bone, and indirect or retrograde resorption, which takes place when the periodontal ligament has become subjected to an excessive amount and duration of compressive stress. Another important factor associated with tooth movement is bone deposition. Bone deposition occurs in the distracted periodontal ligament and without bone deposition, the tooth will loosen and voids will occur distal to the direction of tooth movement. A tooth will usually move about a millimeter per month during orthodontic movement, but there is high individual variability. Orthodontic mechanics can vary in efficiency, which partly explains the wide range of response to orthodontic treatment.

  • Traditional metal-wired braces are stainless steel, sometimes in combination with titanium, and are the most widely used. These include conventional braces, which require ties to hold the archwire in place, and newer self-tying (or self-ligating) brackets. Self-ligating brackets may reduce friction between the wire and the slot of the bracket, which in turn might be of therapeutic benefit.
  • "Clear" braces serve as a cosmetic alternative to traditional metal braces by blending in more with the natural colour of the teeth or having a less conspicuous or hidden appearance. Typically, these brackets are made of ceramic or plastic materials and function in a similar manner to traditional metal brackets. Clear elastic ties and white metal ties are available to be used with these clear braces to help keep the appliances less conspicuous. Clear braces have a higher component of friction and tend to be more brittle than metal braces. This can make removing the appliances at the end of treatment more difficult and time consuming.
  • Gold-plated stainless steel braces are often employed for patients allergic to nickel (a basic and important component of stainless steel), but may also be chosen because some people simply prefer the look of gold over the traditional silver-coloured braces.
  • Lingual braces (examples of which are SureSmile QT,Incognito Braces) are custom made fixed braces bonded to the back of the teeth making them invisible to other people. In lingual braces the brackets are cemented onto the backside of the teeth making them invisible while in standard braces the brackets are cemented onto the front side of the teeth. Hence, lingual braces are a cosmetic alternative to those who do not wish the braces to be visible.
  • Titanium braces resemble stainless steel braces but are lighter and just as strong. People with allergies to the nickel in steel often choose titanium braces, but they are more expensive than stainless steel braces.

Traditional braces are mostly used in treating children, as well as adults. They consist of a small bracket that is glued to the front of each tooth and the molars are adjusted with a band that encircles the tooth. An advantage is one can eat and drink while wearing the brace but a disadvantage is that one must give up certain foods and eating habits while wearing them, such as, chewing gum and potato chips. Another disadvantage is they have to be periodically tightened by your orthodontist causing increased amounts of discomfort.Well or so they say.When i had them on i ate anything trust me.

Well let's talk about the treatment plan when you embark before you embark on the braces wearing mission.In my case it was pure torture cos i still remember my lost teeth, the injections and all those many checkups.
The first step is to determine whether braces are suitable for the patient. The doctor consults with the patient and inspects the teeth visually. If braces are appropriate, a records appointment is set up where X-rays, molds, and impressions are made.This impressions can choke you sha.These records are analyzed to determine the problems and proper course of action. The use of digital models is rapidly increasing in the orthodontic industry. Digital treatment starts with the creation of a three-dimensional digital model of the patient's arches. This model is produced by laser-scanning plaster models created using dental impressions. Computer-automated treatment simulation has the ability to automatically separate the gums and teeth from one another and can handle malocclusions well. This software enables clinicians to ensure, in a virtual setting, that the selected treatment will produce the optimal outcome, with minimal user input.
Typical treatment times vary from six months to two and a half years depending on the complexity and types of problems. In my own case i think i carried it for close to 3 years. Orthognathic surgery may be required in extreme cases. About 2 weeks before the braces are applied, orthodontic spacers are required to spread apart back teeth in order confirm enough space for the bands.
Teeth to be braced will have an adhesive applied to help the cement bond to the surface of the tooth. In most cases the teeth will be banded and then brackets will be added. A bracket will be applied with dental cement, and then cured with light until hardened. This process usually takes a few seconds per tooth. If required, orthodontic spacers may be inserted between the molars to make room for molar bands to be placed at a later date. Molar bands are required to ensure brackets will stick. Bands are also utilized when dental fillings or other dental work make securing a bracket to a tooth infeasible.
An archwire will be threaded between the brackets and affixed with elastic or metal ligatures. Elastics are available in a wide variety of colors. Archwires are bent, shaped, and tightened frequently to achieve the desired results. Brackets with hooks can be placed, or hooks can be created and affixed to the archwire to affix the elastic to. The placement and configuration of the elastics will depend on the course of treatment and the individual patient. Elastics are made in different diameters, colors, sizes, and strengths.
Usually you get i long list of don'ts when you wear braces but i sure as hell broke all of them.My teeth still came out perfect you can see from my smiles.

Each month or two, the braces must be adjusted. The checkups were annoying cos Mr bigg's rice didn't feel so interesting after a checkup.This helps shift the teeth into the correct position. When they get adjusted the orthodontist takes off the colored rubber bands keeping the wire in place. The wire is then taken out, and may be replaced or modified. When the wire has been placed back into the mouth, the patient may choose a color for the new rubber bands, which are then fixed to the metal brackets. The adjusting process may cause some discomfort, which is normal.

Post Braces Treatment.In order to avoid the teeth moving back to their original position, retainers may be worn once the treatment with braces is complete.
Patients may need post-orthodontic surgery, such as a fiberotomy or alternatively a gum lift, to prepare their teeth for retainer use and improve the gumline contours after the braces come off.

In order to prevent the teeth moving back to their original position, retainers may be worn once the treatment with braces is complete for the patient depending on their specific needs. If the patient does not wear the braces appropriately for the right amount of time, the teeth may move towards their previous position. For regular traditional braces Hawley retainers are used. They are made of metal hooks that surround the teeth and are enclosed by an acrylic plate shaped to fit the patient's palate. For invisalign braces an Essix retainer is used. They are similar to the regular invisalign braces and is a clear plastic tray that is firmly fitted to the teeth that stays in place. There is also a bonded retainer where a wire is permanently bonded to the lingual side of the teeth, usually the lower teeth only. Doctors will sometimes refuse to remove this retainer, and it may require a special orthodontic appointment to have it removed.Trust me i barely wore mine.Still in my room somewhere.But you should cos you may not be so lucky.

Treatment time for braces.It could be carried for a minium of 6 months and maximium of 6 years in very severe and extreme cases.Most people where their for 1-2 years usually.
They are quite affordable.So if you can afford it you should go for it.If your dad is as loving as mine trust me he'll take you to a dentist to  fix your dentition problem.

End of braces story.well next time i'll take a picture of my smile so y'all can see.


  1. My friend has braces and they strangely look cute on her

  2. the point i wore pple loved dem.unlike be in the US where u feel weird for wearing braces.

  3. I guess how a teeth brace would look like highly depends on how skilled you Dentist are? I don't know. But so far, I know some patients from The Austin Dentist who doesn't look bad with their braces.
